Sunday, May 15, 2011

Our trip to Dubai Mall

For a field trip we went to Dubai mall. It was amazing! We drove out early in the morning and got there after about two hours of driving. Once we got there it was so cool, the mall itself was huge. We dropped Rory and Cooper off at a place called KidZania. Now, KidZania is a place where kids basically get to run their own mini-city. They get different jobs and do different things. For instance, Rory worked at the Newspaper office and wrote a story about a "fire" that had happened in KidZania. It was printed and he has a copy. Cooper got to be a firefighter and put out the fire.

After dropping them off, the group of older kids left to go do what we were doing. We first went to Sega Republic; it's kind of like U.S. Play but with rides. We spent some time there, played some arcade games, and then left for lunch. We went to this GIANT food court, it even had a Taco Bell. They don't have Taco Bell in Abu Dhabi, so this was a big deal for us and we all ate there. We were eating and talking and Drew, one of the guys in our group, reminded us that Thor began at 11:45. He then told us that it was 11:48. We ran to the movie theater, bought our tickets, got LOST, and then ran to the movie. We just made it into the movie and missed, like, the first 30 seconds. After the movie (that was epic by the way), we went back to the food court and ordered a pizza. Then Drew told us that we had to be back to KidZania to meet the adults at 2:30. He also informed us that it was 2:35. We waited what seemed like forever, and ran while eating our pizza. We made it, and were informed that we didn't have to be exactly on time. Most everybody left except for me and Drew. We walked around for a while, went to Book World and Candylicious, that is a huge candy store. I got a Hershey's Special Dark Chocolate bar, a bag of jelly beans, a giant jaw breaker, and some gobstoppers. We left after walking around a bit more. The traffic was horrible going back due to construction, but I made it home at around 9:00 PM. It was a really good trip.